Tara McIntosh


I am a researcher with expertise in Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Bioinformatics. I have a formal background in Computer Science and Biochemistry, and currently work on developing unsupervised algorithms for extracting information from biomedical texts.

I strive to develop highly scalable, reliable and efficient tools for improving information extraction from raw text and data. I am excited by the interesting challenges these data pose for algorithmic and implementation techniques, as well as computational linguistics and data mining.

In early 2010, I finished my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Sydney. My supervisors were James Curran and David Hawking. My research was funded by a CSIRO ICT Centre Postgraduate Scholarship, an Australian Postgraduate Award, and a Bicentennial Award.

I also have a Bachelor of Science (Bioinformatics) (Honours) degree from the University of Sydney, with majors in advanced biochemistry and computer science.